What Is The Difference Between A Vedic Astrologer And An Astrologer?

An astrologer is a person who uses astrology to predict and interpret information about human affairs and natural phenomena based on the positions and movements of celestial objects.

What is the difference between a Vedic astrologer and an astrologer?

The main difference between a Vedic astrologer and a regular astrologer is the system of astrology they practice. Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, is an ancient system of astrology that originated in India and is based on the positions and movements of the planets and stars at the time of a person's birth. Vedic astrology is believed to be more accurate and precise than other systems of astrology, and it is used to gain insight into a person's life path, relationships, career, health, and spiritual growth.

Regular astrologers, on the other hand, may use a variety of different systems of astrology, including Western astrology, Chinese astrology, and Mayan astrology. These systems may be based on different calculations and interpretations of the positions of celestial objects, and they may focus on different areas of a person's life.

The main difference between a Vedic astrologer and an astrologer is the specific system of astrology they practice and the areas of a person's life that they focus on in their readings.


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